Virtual and In-Person Breathwork Events
*Scroll down to see all of my upcoming events
Mid-Week Breathwork Reset~by Zoom Thursdays from 8-8:30am
Meet me on Thursday mornings at 8am for 30 minutes to infuse our week with a shot of uplifted energy and self-love.
In this 20-25 minute guided practice each week, we will start by setting an intention for the practice, then easing into a movement/breath warmup, followed by an up-regulated breathing segment to clear out the system. We'll cool back down with some down-regulated breathing and a short meditation. This practice will leave you feeling uplifted, re-set and nourished. Breathing is the foundation of life, and my mission as a breathwork coach is to help people connect with their breath and unlock their full potential. Through a nourishing breathwork practice, I guide my clients into a state of deep relaxation and help them reset their nervous system. The magic of breathwork is that it allows us to tap into our intuition, access deeper parts of ourselves and release emotional blocks holding us back. This powerful practice is transformative and always leaves my clients feeling renewed and refreshed.
Clicking the button below will take you to a series of (very short) videos I created, explaining the practice of Breathwork~what it is, what to expect, how to do it, etc.
In order to get the most out of this experience, I recommend using a device that you can pair headphones with, covering your eyes with an eyemask or small towel, and lying down and getting super cozy in a place you wont be disturbed for the duration of the practice. You can have your video on or off for this practice~whatever is most comfortable for you!
This event is sliding scale with a suggested donation between $5-$20, payable by Venmo or PayPal. You will receive details on how to donate in your confirmation email.
What to expect:
​8:00-8:05 Welcome and instruction
8:05-8:25 (ish) Breath Practice
8:25-8:30 Sharing and Wrap up
​Upcoming Events
In-Person Breathwork Events
Each month, I offer a themed "Breathwork Journey" as an energetic reset in a community environment. These "journeys" are 35-45 minutes long with Up-regulated breathing techniques that will hyper-oxygenate your body and bring you to a slightly altered state of consciousness. In this open and receptive place, we are more able to tune into our own guidance and connect to the highest version of ourselves. I choose the theme intuitively each month, depending on what comes through as I tune into the needs of the collective. Below, you will find the theme of the month, and details on how you can attend.